In 1988, Coleco produced a series line called TODDLERS. Their boxes stated that they were "The Kids In The Middle".
Which indeed they were, measuring at just 12" tall. The pacifier kids, in this line, are very sought after, since they
were only made for a short time. Collectors also dig the different hair/eyes combos and hairstyles that toddlers carry
on their own. Headmold available in this line are: #1, #2, #3, #4, #9, #15, #18, #20, #21. Also during the transitional times(when
hasbro took over) #36 boys and girl were produced. Here are some from my collection.
L to R: #15 lemon loops, blue eyes; #20 Afr. Amer. |
brown loops, brown eyes; #4 tan loops, brown eyes. |
L to R: #4 AA double ponies, brown eyes; #1 tan |
double braids, green eyes; #1 AA single brown top pony, brown eyes; #21 tan pony, violet eyes |